Hi my name is Helen Dow, and I love the satisfaction that comes from being well-organized.
I have a mission to bring organization into our everyday lives. I want everyone to know what it feels like to breathe a sense of ‘organized calm’. It’s my passion. It’s what I love and I’m here to help.
Growing up in England, I remember my mother’s pantry was full of jars labeled, flour, sugar, jam and cereal. We always knew where to get what we needed. Now I am a mum I understand that there are plenty of chaotic areas of family life that I really have no control over, so for those areas that can be controlled I get them organized, making life easier.
For a long time I lived in Los Angeles as a TV producer. My everyday life and those of the people I worked with depended on being organized, scheduled, ordered and perfectly planned. I thrived on it!
Fast forward to 2021 and I’m now the new owner of Organizing 4 U. I feel incredibly lucky to have this opportunity to revive this established company, with its faultless reputation going back to 2003.
Get in touch and I can start tailoring a plan for you, helping to bring order and calm to the disarray of your life.